Dialogue is

(non-prefabricated) speech
A dialogue of music and word
 in the sense of Martin Buber:
open in the present for the future 
 and expecting the unexpected,  
 the other and the foreign.

With my God I can leap a wall (Psalm 18:30)
We live in a time of new demarcations, prejudices and condemnations.
New walls are being built. The other, the stranger, is supposed to stay outside.
In this zeitgeist, jazz musicians interested in spirituality and theologians touched by the creative power of jazz set out along with people who care about the dialogue of the free inspirational word with the freedom of improvisational jazz. Their common concern: to create an open space, on which, on the basis of sustainable traditions, borders must be overcome, walls taken down, and visions for the church and society will be formulated and tested.

In the spirit of the Hebrew Bible:
"With my God I can jump over walls"
 in the spirit of the first Christians:
"For freedom has freed you Christ"
 in the spirit of the Reformation Martin Luther: "
sola gratia, sola fide" 

 - only by grace (affection of God) we live - Life is a gift!
In the Spirit Martin-Luther King, Jr: Jazz is a healing and unifying music of hope and freedom.

Church should be an open space of encounter, to which people open themselves out of their private spaces,  as a community which points beyond itself.  And jazz should be encountered as improvised music that transcends what is formally given (including inspiration from cultural boundaries and traditions) in freedom and responsibility, to be experienced in a playful and creative manner without devaluing or denying these.  Susanne Jaeger-Gerlach